
To new readers and old alike: welcome to my blog! I hope that the people I care about will feel better about me being deployed to Afghanistan and stationed in Germany because they can follow me online. Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions or have a specific topic you would like me to talk about instead of my usual ramblings.

Sam Damon in Once an Eagle:

"Ah God. God, help me. Help me to be wise and full of courage and sound judgment. Harden my heart to the sights that I must see so soon again, grant me only the power to think clearly, boldly, resolutely, no matter how unnerving the peril. Let me not fail them."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back in Germany

I am safe and sound back in Germany.  However, I still don't have internet in my apartment, so posts will be a bit more infrequent until it finally gets set up.

I do want to say a few words in remembrance of my peers 1LT's Omar Vazquez and John Runkle.  While it has been a couple of years since our paths have crossed, the harsh reality of combat always manages to come back to bite you.  The Army is a very small place, and there are never really any "good byes," more like "see you laters," so it is always a shock to read the names of friends on the casualty list.  Both men lost their lives due to IED strikes, one in Afghanistan, the other in Iraq.  The Army is a poorer place without their vitality and energy and hope. 

I won't forget you.

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