
To new readers and old alike: welcome to my blog! I hope that the people I care about will feel better about me being deployed to Afghanistan and stationed in Germany because they can follow me online. Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions or have a specific topic you would like me to talk about instead of my usual ramblings.

Sam Damon in Once an Eagle:

"Ah God. God, help me. Help me to be wise and full of courage and sound judgment. Harden my heart to the sights that I must see so soon again, grant me only the power to think clearly, boldly, resolutely, no matter how unnerving the peril. Let me not fail them."

Monday, December 13, 2010

First Few Days

I've been here at Kandahar Air Field (KAF) for a few days now and in reality have very little new to share.  Things here at KAF just aren't that exciting.  Everything is crowded, with transients making up a great deal of the people here.  The gym is busy, the USO is full, and the lines at the Dining Facilities (DFACs) are long.  But it is extremely safe here.  There have only been a few random rocket attacks all year, and only three small arms attacks.   So no need to worry.  We've been going through the standard training to finally get out to our units, and the first of us to head out leaves tomorrow.

I still have almost another week here and until Saturday I basically don't have anything to do.  I'm not exactly sure what the course I have to take is all about, but they only do it once a week so I have to wait until it starts again.  And I don't know how long it is either. 

I'm probably going to get a platoon pretty quickly, and I'm really excited about it.  I will more than likely be out on my own on a small base with little more than my platoon and some Afghan National Army guys with me.  But, that could all change when I finally get up to my unit.  We are based here on the western end of  Kandahar province, near Helmand.  Good news: I won't be going up and down mountains all the time. 

When I find out more or have something new to write about I will do so.

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